Page 20 - May19
P. 20

Feature Story
       Loyal Wingman to take

       Australia’s air power into

       the next era

       One  of  the  hottest  debates  among   And with its first flight slated for 2020,   electronic warfare (EW), and has an
       airpower  analysts  is  the  role  of   this is a capability that is not way off in   internal weapons bay that eventually
       unmanned systems in future air combat.   the future with decades-long acquisition   could be armed with standoff weapons
       Australia may have just staked a lead   cycles. With Loyal Wingman, the aim   and precision bombs.
       in capability development of unmanned   is to produce an operational capability   It will be able to fly autonomously,
       systems with the unveiling of the locally   quickly—within the next few years.  rather than being remotely piloted, which
       designed  and  built  ‘Loyal  Wingman’   Let’s  start  with  what  the  platform   is vital. Exploiting trusted autonomy with
       unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV)   is  and  why  it’s  important. The  Loyal   the human ‘on the loop’ in an oversight
       that  is  at  the  core  of  the  Boeing Air   Wingman is designed to act as a force   role, rather than directly controlling the
       Teaming System. The Loyal Wingman    multiplier for manned fighters like the   UCAV  in  every  aspect  of  its  mission
       was  unveiled  in  front  of  Defence   F-35A, F/A-18F Super Hornet and E/A-  ‘in the loop’, is a much more sensible
       Minister Christopher Pyne at the 2019   18G Growler, and larger manned aircraft   approach to this sort of capability.
       Avalon Airshow and Defence Expo last   like  the  E-7A  Wedgetail  or  KC-30A   The  Loyal  Wingman  can  extend
       week.                                refueller. Its primary role is projecting   Australia’s air defence envelope much
          Although  it’s  a  Boeing  platform,   power forward, while keeping manned   further  north  than  would  be  possible
       it  will  be  designed  and  built  entirely   platforms  out  of  harm’s  way.  It  also   using the F-35 alone. Imagine a swarm
       in Australia.  That  has  some  pretty   seeks to protect ‘combat enablers’ like   of Loyal Wingman UCAVs controlled
       significant implications for the future of   the Wedgetail from an adversary’s long-  by  a  four-ship  formation  of  F-35s
       Australia’s defence industry. It drives   range offensive counter-air capability.  undertaking defensive counter-air tasks
       home the point that there’s more to this   Although  the  planned  aircraft  is   over the sea–air gap. The less stealthy
       realm than just naval shipbuilding. It’s   relatively  small,  according  to  Boeing   UCAVs would be geographically located
       also a capability that is being planned   it  will  have  a  range  of  more  than   well  away  from  the  stealthy  F-35s
       with an export market in mind, to Five   3,700  kilometres. That’s  sufficient  to   to  avoid  betraying  their  location,  but
       Eyes partners, and beyond. Australia   operate over the South China Sea flying   close  by  in  terms  of  being  part  of  a
       will  be  able  to  position  itself  as  a   from RAAF Tindal near Darwin. It will   resilient network. The F-35s in turn are
       leading defence exporter of this type   carry  integrated  sensor  packages  to   networked to a Wedgetail to the rear.
       of  capability  as a  result  of  the  Loyal   support intelligence, surveillance and   The  UCAVs  are  the  forward  sensor
       Wingman project.                     reconnaissance (ISR) missions and   in the ‘sensor to shooter’ link, but can

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