In an exciting collaboration with award-winning animation studio Cheeky Little Media, Defence Kidz has launched its first-ever graphic novel: Operation Snakebite Cove. This novel promises to highlight the often overlooked experiences of children of members of the defence force while delivering an engaging and action-packed story that kids will love.
With a heartfelt commitment to giving back, 10% of proceeds from each book sale will be donated to charity, aimed at providing support to the children and families of those serving in the armed forces.
In a world that is increasingly embracing diversity and inclusion, it is unfathomable that there has been nothing (no TV series, no books, no games) that recognise children of those in the armed forces, and how very diff erent and unique their life experience is. The ‘invisibility of children’ of veterans needs to stop, we must support their wellbeing instead.
Defence Kidz Founder, Hayley Boswell is a Veteran Spouse who recognised this issue early on with her own children. Needing to create a vehicle to speak with her own young children about the challenges they faced with a parent in service, Hayley chose storytelling as the best form of explanation. When asked about her experience creating this novel, Refl ecting on her experience, Hayley said, “Australia’s defence families are diverse, and their stories are rich with diff erent cultural, geographical, and personal backgrounds. Our novel celebrates this diversity, ensuring that all children see themselves represented.”
Initially starting as a series of children’s books, which went on to sell more than 17, 000 copies to defence families, Defence Kidz is making the exciting leap to graphic novels in order to reach a wider and more diverse audience.
Since its inception, Defence Kidz has been a steadfast supporter of Defence and Veteran children, off ering a wide array of resources and programs designed to meet their unique needs. From educational initiatives to advocacy campaigns, Defence Kidz has built a strong network of support, fostering resilience and solidarity within Australian Defence Force communities across the nation.
Operation Snakebite Cove, written by Ray Boseley and Jo-anne Brechin with illustrations by Nicole Mackenzie, follows fi ve diverse animal friends. When their families are posted to the remote military base of Snakebite Cove, they come together to uncover secrets, survive wild adventures, and solve a long-forgotten mystery lurking just beneath the surface of their new hometown.