MOODY CHALLENGES MUSK ON PRICE & GEO STRATEGICS: Let’s just get straight down to the vision CEO, John Moody of Pacific Joint Space Facility has, which is the intent to offer Heavy Lift Space Services from Australia Internationally with the help of ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization (LMV3 Next Gen Reusable, Crewed Rocket) along with Pacific Joint Space Facility’s new strategic partner IVEO Electronics Inc, a Turkish based company specialising in high tech space and defence products, to take on SpaceX’s monopolisation of the Space industry. Moody said, “we’ve worked out exactly how to do this, We’ll share some details but not the piece that makes this work.
ATM United Launch Alliance (ULA) & the European Space Agency – ESA are the most expensive providers costing between $110 – $350 million a launch depending on configurations with the European Space Agency – ESA being the most expensive to the point that their prices are simply not feasible, yet Governments still pay these prices. Moody’s approach is that of simplicity complemented with a Geo strategic dimension.
Bottom line:
- Proposed Geo Strategic Location, Port Alma, Central Queensland covers, The Asia Pacific, Indo Pacific, and the South China Sea. The most hotly contested locations on Earth at this time in history and of the highest Geo Strategic Value is the Asia Pacific Region. Coastal Locations are important for safety concerns in the event something goes wrong.
- Weather and Infrastructure: the location provides PJSF with 300 days of no rain which means more launch window opportunities in term which equates to more profit. Existing Infrastructure is already in place, such as Road, Air, Port & Rail.
- Multiple launch vectors, Polar & Equatorial with cost competitiveness. You can launch from any location on earth to the same vectors but what it comes down to is your fuel costs, PJSFs proposed geographical location provides cost efficient and highly competitive launch solutions.
- Launches per year, on average the top player SpaceX had 61 successful launches last year while China had 60, Moody said PJSF would need to be aiming for the 60 mark.
SpaceX, Heavy lift launch, $90-$110 Million USD.
Pacific Joint Space Facility, Heavy Lift Launch, $70 Million USD. That’s a $20-$40 million dollar saving per launch and if you require multiple launches over the year that could mean a saving of half a billion dollars or even more depending on how many launches clients want.
The United States Space Force are only meeting a small % of their mission mandate, they cannot get Launch Providers to meet all their mission contracts, there simply aren’t any more launch providers in the world excluding the ones their using now put that together with a 2 year wait list worldwide to get a Launch, more available contracts with very few launch providers drives the cost up due to lack of competition, so the more launch providers the world has the cheaper it gets, Moody believe competition is a good thing as he says, it also creates innovation and cheaper market access, we think we’ve got a pretty solid, tangible formula without kidding ourselves. This project in our opinion should also be stamped as an Australian National Security Priority.
Moody states the reasons for this are very clear, Chinese Expansion and Aggression in the region along with incursions into Australian Sovereign Territorial Waters, and there is a tonne of evidence out there to back Moody’s claim up, Space industry capabilities can provide eyes on Reconnaissance Satellites for Situation Awareness, such as Troop Movement, Shipping Movement even Weapon Testing or Incoming Missile Attacks, it’s something no one wants to think about but is relevant and if such a thing occurred you would definitely want to know about it in advance, it buys us time with such relevant intelligence, backed up by connectivity to other Allied networks working together worldwide to enhance defence capabilities while keeping the peace and acting as a deterrent, Enhanced Australian Defence Capabilities are paramount as this region is changing rapidly and Australia must keep ahead of the curve.