Wednesday 3rd August the Albanese Government announced details of the Defence Strategic Review, including the Terms of Reference and the independent leads who will conduct this Review for government.
In 2020, the Defence Strategic Update identified that changes in Australia’s strategic environment are accelerating more rapidly than predicted in the 2012 Force Posture Review. As our national security landscape changes, it is vital that our defence force remains positioned to meet our global and regional security challenges.
To meet these challenges, the Review will examine force structure, force posture and preparedness, and investment prioritisation, to ensure Defence has the right capabilities to meet our growing strategic needs.
This is a large task, and it is for this reason we have appointed two eminent leads to conduct the Review; former Minister for Defence, Professor the Hon Stephen Smith and former Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston AK AFC (Ret’d).
The Albanese Government is committed to ensuring we have a capable and sustainable Australian Defence Force, which is informed with the best possible strategic assessments.
As independent leads, Professor Smith and Sir Angus will ensure the Review’s recommendations to government meet this criteria.
Professor Smith and Sir Angus will deliver the Review and its recommendations to government in early 2023.
Submissions to the Review from all interested parties are welcome until noon AEST, Sunday 30 October 2022.
For more information or to submit a paper for consideration as part of the Review, visit Defence Strategic Review.
A copy of the Terms of Reference can be found on the Defence website.
Quotes attributable to Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese:
“This work will help ensure that the Australian Defence Force is well positioned to meet the nation’s security challenges over the next decade and beyond.”
“Professor Smith and Sir Angus bring a unique blend of knowledge and experience to their role as independent leads.
“Their depth of expertise will be invaluable in informing the Review.
Quotes attributable to Deputy Prime Minister, Richard Marles:
“In 2020, the Defence Strategic Update identified that changes in Australia’s strategic environment are accelerating more rapidly than predicted in the 2012 Force Posture Review.
“This necessitates an immediate analysis of where and how Defence assets and personnel are best positioned to protect Australia and its national interests.
“It also requires an assessment of Defence’s force structure and Integrated Investment Program.
“Exploring how our capabilities can better integrate and operate with the United States, the United Kingdom and other key partners will also be an important element of the Review.