Page 52 - May19
P. 52

On The Radar
       Air Force receives latest P-8A Poseidon                                  RAAF to replace VIP

       aircraft                                                                 transport aircraft

                                                                                Defence  has  announced  that  the
       Defence  Minister  Christopher  Pyne   equipped  aircraft  will  allow  RAAF  to   Royal Australian Air Force will phase
       and Defence Industry Minister Linda   collect useful data to analyse the life   out  its  fleet  of  Bombardier  CL604
       Reynolds recently welcomed the receipt   of the aircraft and identify what can be   Challengers, which are primarily used
       of the Royal Australian Air Force’s latest   done to sustain it further."  as VIP transport aircraft.
       Boeing P-8A Poseidon aircraft.         Minister Reynolds said the Poseidon   The RAAF currently has a fleet of
          The P-8A Poseidon is designed for   fleet would not only play an important   three  Challenger  aircraft  that  were
       long-range  anti-submarine  warfare;   role  in  maintaining  border  security   introduced in 2002, however they have
       anti-surface warfare; and intelligence,                                  an average age of 16.6 years and are
       surveillance  and  reconnaissance    but also in boosting opportunities for   due to be replaced.
       missions. It is capable of broad-area   defence industry and creating jobs.  “Following  a  review,  Defence  will
       maritime and littoral operations. It is   "These  aircraft  will  be  based  and   lease three new Dassault Falcon 7X
       also  effective  for  humanitarian  and   sustained  at  RAAF  Base  Edinburgh   aircraft  to  replace  the  three  existing
       search and rescue missions.          in South Australia, creating over 120   Bombardier  CL604  Challengers,”
          Minister Pyne said this was another   jobs by next year. The project is part   the Department of Defence said in a
       milestone in this important project to   of a broader intelligence, surveillance   release.
       enhance Australia’s maritime security.  and  reconnaissance  precinct  being   “The  Falcon  will  have  reduced
          "The  Poseidon  is  a  cutting-edge   developed at the Super Base, which will   operating  costs,  larger  passenger
       aircraft  that  will  conduct  a  range  of   support and create highly skilled jobs in   load, modern communication capability
       tasks including anti-submarine warfare;   South Australia for decades to come,"   and increased range and endurance.
       maritime  and  overland  intelligence,   she added.                      The  Challengers  are  being  replaced
       surveillance and reconnaissance and    Australia  maintains  the  single-  at a natural point in their ageing and
       support to search and rescue missions,"                                  maintenance cycle.”
       he said.                             largest P-8A training facility outside of   A  report  from  FlightGlobal  claims
          A  derivative  of  the  737-800  Next   the US, located at Edinburgh, South   that "the three Falcon 7Xs will enter
       Generation, the P-8 combines superior   Australia. The  $470  million  facility  is   service by the third quarter 2019, and
       performance  and  reliability  with  an   part  of  the  government's  $5.2  billion   operate under the existing budget for
       advanced mission system that ensures   investment in Australia's P-8A Poseidon   the special purpose fleet".
       maximum interoperability in the future   maritime surveillance and patrol aircraft.   The Falcon 7X can accommodate
       battlespace.                           "A  workforce  of  over  4,000    12 to 16 passengers, compared with
          The Australian  government  has   Australians  has  already  contributed   the  nine  maximum  that  the  CL604
       committed  to  acquiring  12  P-8A   to  the  broader  infrastructure  build   Challenger can carry.
       Poseidon aircraft, with the final aircraft   happening at RAAF Base Edinburgh,"   The  Challenger,  however,  has  a
       to  be  delivered  by  March  2020  and   Minister Reynolds added.       faster average speed than the Falcon,
       maintained at RAAF Base Edinburgh.     The eighth aircraft is now undergoing   with the trade off of about half the range
          Minister  Pyne  added,  "Aircraft                                     as its replacement.
       number eight had been identified as   its verification and validation flying in the   The CL604 Challenger is part of the
       RAAF’s long-term fatigue management   US, and will join the rest of the fleet in   Special  Purpose Aircraft  fleet,  which
       aircraft and had been fitted with a raft   Australia in mid-June 2019.   complements  a  collection  of  larger
       of diagnostic equipment. This specially   Courtesy Defence Connect       Boeing  Business  Jets  that  provide
                                                                                transport for the Australian government.
                                                                                   These  are  operated  by  No.34
                                                                                Squadron from Defence Establishment
                                                                                Fairbairn in the ACT.

                                                                                 One of the new Falcon 7X aircraft
                                                                                 recently arrives at Defence
                                                                                 Establishment Fairbairn, ACT. Photo
                                                                                 SGT Rodney Welch.

        The P-8A combines superior performance and reliability.
        Photo CPL Craig Barrett.

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