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       Hamilton Hill teenager wins 2019 RAAFA                                   Air Force cadet

       Leadership Award                                                         Georgia Hand is

       A Hamiltong Hill teenager has won the   surprised,” he said.             encouraging teens to
       2019 RAAFA Leadership Award.           “I’m  really  enjoying  the  work
         The accolade has given University   experience  where  I’m  currently  at   consider cadetship
       of Western Australia student Alexander   RAAFA’s IT department for one day a
       White the opportunity to do paid work   week, and the money will also come   Georgia Hand said having a unique skill
       experience with the Royal Australian Air   in very handy for buying books for my   set is one of the best things about being
       Force Association as well as earning   university course.”               an Air Force cadet.
       him a $1000 scholarship.               The  award  joins  a  growing  list  of   While  still  deciding  on  her  future
         Mr White, who has been a member    accolades given to Mr White, including   career, the 16 year-old Warrnambool
       of  the Australian Air  Force  Cadets   the Returned and Servicemen’s League   College  student  said  the  leadership,
       from 2015 to 2018 and wants to be an   Spirit of Anzac Cadet of the Year 2018   survival skills and camaraderie she has
       astrophysicist, said he was honoured   and  representing  the Australian Air   learnt in her three years with the group
       to be recognised.                    Force Cadets at the Commemoration   has been invaluable.
         “I  was  really  chuffed  as  well  as   of the Battle of Amiens in France.  "I"m learning skills that not everyone
                                                                                has," she said.
                                                                                   "These are skills that can help me
                                                                                later in life."
                                                                                   Ms Hand joins 50 other Warrnambool
                                                                                Australian Air Force Cadets currently
                                                                                learning their craft at the Pertobe Road
                                                                                   The group is hosting a recruitment
                                                                                night on March 21 and are hoping more
                                                                                teens will consider joining them.
                                                                                   The 413 Squadron is for teenagers
                                                                                aged between 12 and 18.
                                                                                   Meeting  once  a  week  at  the  Tel
                                                                                El  Eisa  Barracks,  the  group  learn
                                                                                leadership  skills,  field  craft,  bush
                                                                                survival, aviation, traffic control, radio
                                                                                communication and self-defence.
                                                                                   "It helps build your confidence and
       RAAFA’s Patron Kim Beazley, Governor of WA, Alexander White and RAAFA State   make great friendships," Ms Hand said.
       President Clive Robartson.                                                  "There's usually just as many boys
                                                                                as  girls  and  there's  no  limitations  to
                                                                                what you can learn. "There's so many
                                                                                opportunities as well."
                                                                                   The  413  Squadron  Warrnambool
                                                                                Australian Air Force Cadets recruitment
                                                                                night will be held Thursday March 21
                                                                                from 6.30pm.
                                                                                   The event will include a tour of the
                                                                                facility,  activities,
                                                                                showbags  and
                                                                                a  question  and
                                                                                answer session.
                                                                                Cadet corporal
                                                                                Georgia Hand, 16
                                                                                enjoys taking part
                                                                                in field craft survival
       Happy Easter, Aviation is a Cadets' best friends... especially when there is chocolate   sessions during
       involved! Our Australian Air Force Cadets from 10 Squadrons across No. 3 Wing (NSW   squadron getaways.
       & ACT) and No. 5Wing (TAS) on location at Bathurst Aviation Training Centre.

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