Page 48 - May19
P. 48

Feature Story
                                                  A CENTRAL CONTROL POINT

    6. AEROMEDICAL                                The  Joint Airspace  civilian airlines and air  procedures  in
    EVACUATION                                    Control Cell (JACC)  traffic control, Army and  conjunction  with  the
    CONTROL CELL                                  is  the  central  point  of  Navy, as well as other  Queensland  and
                                                  airspace management  government  agencies  federal  governments
                                                  for the ADF.          and  international  for  more  than  a  year,
                                                    Staf f  Of fi ce r  partners,”  SQNLDR  and  were  involved
                                                  Airspace  Operations  Chaffey said.         during execution.”
                                                  SQNLDR Ben Chaffey      “F or  O per at ion   SQNLDR  Chaffey
                                                  said  the  JACC  was  APEC  18 Assist,  we  said the JACC required
                                                  responsible  for  developed procedures  lateral  thinking  and
                                                  developing  airspace  to integrate unmanned  good negotiating skills.
                                                  control  plans  for  the  aerial systems into civil   “It  is  such  a  busy
       CLINICAL CARE IN THE AIR                   safe  and  efficient  controlled airspace in  but  rewarding  place
                                                  conduct  of  exercises  Papua New Guinea.   to work. I’ve learnt so
       The Aeromedical  to move the member to     and operations.         “F or  O per at ion  much  in  such  a  short
       Evacuation Control Cell  their home location or   “Developing airspace  Atlas  (ADF  support  timeframe,  and  being
       (AECC) is responsible for  the nearest appropriate   control  plans  requires  to Commonwealth  able  to  contribute  to
       the conduct of strategic  health-care  facility,”   months of coordination  Games),  the  JACC  operations  has  been
       aeromedical evacuation  FSGT McEnearney said.   and  planning  with  planned the airspace  invaluable,” he said.
       (AME)  for  ADF        “We task No. 3 AME
       personnel,  approved  Squadron  to  provide
       Australian civilians and  clinical care in the
       foreign nationals from an  air  for  members  who
       area of operations.   need  to  be  medically
        SNCO         AME  returned  to Australia,
       Coordinator FSGT  both internationally and
       Robyn  McEnearney  domestically.
       said the AECC provided   “With  our  oversight
       specialist AME advice  of  strategic,  forward
       to the Air Tasking Cycle  and  tactical AME,  we
       and Headquarters Joint  can make sure DGAIR
       Operations Command.  and ultimately ACAUST     7. JOINT AIRSPACE
        “When  we  receive  have the right advice to   CONTROL CELL
       AME requests from our  plan and conduct AME
       deployed medical staff,  support  for  any ADF
       we plan the best way  operation or exercise.”

                                                  DEVELOP & ASSESS
                                                  Strategy Division (SRD)  for  developing  the  senior air commander’s
                                                  is responsible for the Air  objectives for new tasks  intent is for that task and
                                                  Operations  Directive  and assessing previously  how  the  plan  fits  with
                                                  and Force Generation  executed  ones,”  other campaign assets,
                                                  planning, which outlines  SQNLDR Longley said.  including Army and Navy.”
                                                  the  Director  General   “To  communicate     SQNLDR  Longley
                                                  Air intent and priorities  this, we develop the Air  said working in the Air
                                                  for Air Force activities  Operations  Directive,  and Space Operations
                                                  – how the aircraft and  which  describes  the  Centre was as close
                                                  assets are to be used.   Commander’s  intent  as  you  can  get  to
                                                    Staff Officer Strategy  and priorities, and which  conducting operations
       8. STRATEGY                                Guidance  SQNLDR  assets can achieve the  without physically being
                                                  Simon  Longley  said  campaign objectives.
       DIVISION                                   the SRD was uniquely    “Any  commander,      “We play a critical role
                                                  placed  at  both  the  aircrew or combat support  in  ensuring  the  right
                                                  beginning  and  end  of  staff member in Air Force  platform delivers the right
                                                  the Air Tasking Cycle.  can read this document  effect at the right time,”
                                                    “SRD is responsible  to understand what the  SQNLDR Longley said.

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