Page 45 - May19
P. 45

Feature Story
       high-demand  assets  such
       as  P-8A  Poseidon  and    AIR OF
       E-7A Wedgetail,” AIRCDRE
       Denney said.
       asset,  all  while  ensuring  AUTHORITY
          The AOC plays a key role
       in deciding who and what can
       be supported, and with which

       the broader aims of the air
       campaign are progressed.
          With  our  RAAF  assets
       involved  in  Middle  East
       operations,  shortnotice
       humanitarian  relief
       operations, search-and-
       rescue, and joint exercises,
       maintaining oversight of all
       tasks is critical to ensuring Air
       Force can deliver air power
       to where it is needed.
          AOC  Director  GPCAPT
       David  Smith  said  the AOC
       was  permanently  force-
       assigned  to  Headquarters
       Joint Operations Command
       (HQJOC), which meant the
       AOC planning was aligned
       with  and  informed  HQJOC

       “Air power is the

       highest  priority

       –  there  is  never  Plan, execute & assess are key components of Air & Space operations

       enough air power.”  Centre Air Tasking Cycle

          We are persistently agile   For air power to effectively   Combat Plans Division uses   expertise into planning and
       to the demands of the joint   con-tribute  to  the  joint   the AOD to identify specific   execution  stages  such  as
       environment  and  feel  we   environment,  the  AOC    targets, weapons allocation   targeters,  air  mobility,  joint
       are  able  to  maximise  the   utilises  the  Air  Tasking   and  asset  or  aircraft   personnel  recovery  and
       employment  of  our  RAAF   Cycle to plan, execute and   allocations,  identifying  the   aeromedical evacuation.
       capabilities  across  the   assess  the  employment  of   overall  weight-of-effort  for   Once  the  execution  of
       board,” GPCAPT Smith said.   air power effects. This also   particular  effects.  This  is   the  current ATO  has  been
          “The AOC brings together   gives Air  Force  units  the   captured in the Air Tasking   completed,  the  Strategy
       our Air Force subject-matter   information  they  need  to   Order (ATO).          Division  conducts  an
       experts  to  deliver  efficient   tactically implement their part   The  Combat  Operations   operational  assessment  of
       and  effective  air  power  for   of the air campaign.  Division is then responsible   key objectives, which informs
       Australia, our allies and the   Beginning with the Strategy   for the execution of the ATO,   future planning efforts.
       region.                    Division, a number of inputs   providing updated direction   Intelligence,  Surveillance
          “This  will  continue  to   are  considered  before   to  the  units  and  assets   and Reconnaissance
       improve  as  we  stand-up   campaign  objectives  are   involved  as  the  situation   Division provides intelligence
       the Combat Plans Division   developed. From this, the Air   evolves  and  priorities   assessments  of  adversary
       this  year,  and  the  Combat   Operations Directive (AOD),   change.              action, informing the entire
       Support  Division  continues   is issued, underpinning the   Specialist teams within the   AOC  through  all  stages  of
       to evolve.”                entire Air  Tasking  Cycle.  AOC provide subject-matter   the Air Tasking Cycle.

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