Page 41 - May19
P. 41

Feature Story
       The  air  ambulance  has  transformed   ability of helicopters to fly and navigate   to  use  Leonardo’s AW139  for  that
       health care systems, saving lives by   in all types of weather, notes Quocchini.  mission.
       speeding up the transit of emergency   “If the hospital is open all the time,   Another  factor  driving  the  move
       patients to hospitals, but also reaching   then the helicopter should be available   toward larger types is that patients are
       them in places too remote or difficult to   all the time, too,” he says.  becoming both taller and heavier.
       access by road.                        Enhanced  vision  systems,  night-   Critical  to  turning  the  EMS  into  a
          But air ambulance service also has   vision  goggle  compatibility  and   flying hospital will be the interior layout
       its limitations.                     helicopter terrain awareness warning   of the aircraft, notes Quocchini. Large
          In most civilian EMS operations, use   systems  are  increasingly  becoming   cabins provide more space for doctors
       of helicopters is about speed, getting   standard  rotary-wing  equipment  to   to perform procedures on patients.
       emergency  medical  providers  to  the   support  safer  all-weather  operation,   On some air ambulance helicopters,
       scene of an incident as fast as possible,   particularly at night. Leonardo is also   patients are pushed up against a door,
       stabilizing the patient on-site and then   developing a 3D version of its Obstacle   or positioned with their legs in the rear
       flying them back to the hospital. Little or   Proximity Lidar System (OPLS), which   fuselage  so  they  can  be  loaded  and
       no treatment is usually provided while   provides  aural  and  visual  warnings   unloaded  through  clamshell  doors
       the patient is in flight.            of  obstacles  near  the  blades  of  the   under the tail boom.
          Rotary-wing  flight  is  not  exactly   helicopter, enabling landings in more   “Doctors want to be able to provide
       conducive  to  treatment,  as  there  is   confined spaces.              basic  surgical  intervention  in  flight,”
       much  vibration,  noise  makes  it  hard   Developments  in  performance-  says  Quocchini.  Such  interventions,
       to communicate and the small size of   based navigation have also improved   he says, could involve anything from
       cabins in some helicopters can make it   the  capabilities  of  helicopters,  but   stitching of wounds to stop bleeding to
       difficult to work on the patient, especially   when crews need to pinpoint the exact   intubation (as in a tracheotomy) and
       when  bulky  medical  equipment  is   location of an injured patient, one way   performing heart massages.
       onboard.                             to  do  that  may  involve  tracking  the   With the right configuration, it may
          But  Leonardo  believes  the  right   location of a person’s cellphone. Such   also be possible to provide so-called
       technologies  could  allow  significant   technology has already been developed   ECMO treatments in-flight, a process of
       medical  procedures  to  be  performed   for use by Norway’s search-and-rescue   oxygenating the blood when the heart
       in-flight, adding time to the so-called   helicopters for government missions.  and lungs are not functioning well, he
       Golden Hour, the period after a traumatic   The  company  is  also  working  to   says.
       incident when prompt medical treatment   develop  a  full  deicing  system  for  its   Leonardo  has  already  begun  to
       can prevent death.                   AW169 intermediate-light twin-engine   study the use of an onboard wireless
          Over the last two years, Leonardo   helicopter  to  meet  a  Rega  Swiss Air   internet router to link medical devices
       has  been  working  with  Siaarti—the   Ambulance  requirement.  The  first   onboard without the need to trail wires
       Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia,   AW169 for Rega is due for delivery in   around the cabin.
       Resuscitation  and  Intensive  Care—  2020.                                 Emanuele Bufano, HEMS technology
       on  the  publication  of  guidelines  for   Leonardo is also in the process of   specialist  at  Leonardo,  says  a  direct
       helicopter  EMS  (HEMS)  operations.   certifying  its AW119Kx  helicopter  for   real-time link to the hospital will also
       The  company  is  also  working  with   single-engine  instrument  flight  rules   be  critical  so  that  patient  data  can
       AAROI-EMAC, an Italian association of   to  meet  the  specifications  for  the   be  monitored  not  only  in  the  air,  but
       resuscitation and emergency medical   U.S. Navy’s helicopter trainer. Such a   also  by  the  doctors  who  will  receive
       anesthetists,  to  develop  courses  for   capability will also likely be desired in   the patient on the ground. Such a link
       HEMS doctors and nurses. This has    the U.S. for EMS missions.          would also allow specialist doctors to
       also  attracted  the  interest  of  several   Smoother  flight  could  become   provide advice to medical personnel in
       operators and associations in Australia,   possible with the company’s work on   the aircraft. Another idea being studied
       Europe and the U.S.                  active main rotor blades and electric   is the use of helmet-mounted displays
          In addition to working on its Future   tail rotors.                   so  that  doctors  have  patient  data
       HEMS  concepts,  the  company  is      The marketplace for EMS helicopters   accessible in front of them throughout
       developing its Helicopter Rescue and   is also evolving, with operators taking   the flight.
       Operational System (HEROS) training   on increasingly larger aircraft for the   The  company  has  also  tested
       facility, which will support both rescue   mission. While most EMS helicopters   stretchers with anti-vibration systems
       and medical training courses.        in  the  U.S.  are  small  single-engine   built in, to improve comfort for patients
          “The  earlier  you  can  provide   types, specialist medical centers have   with spinal injuries.
       lifesaving care to the patient, the more   purchased  larger  models,  including   There  are  also  proposals  to  see
       chance you have of reducing permanent   Airbus  H155  twin-engine  medium   whether computed tomography scanner
       damage  to  the  patients  and  saving   helicopters  for  medical  transfers,   technology  can  be  miniaturized  or
       lives,”  says  Massimo  Quocchini,  the   particularly suited for babies in bulky   adapted for use on an EMS helicopter.
       company’s head of HEMS marketing.    incubators.  Operators  in Australia,   Courtesy Aviation Week
          Technology is already changing the   Canada and China are using or planning

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