Page 42 - May19
P. 42

       Alf Barlow




       by Charles Page

       On  21  July  2004,  the  people  of   and discharged on 17 August 1942.    Douglas Hancock (wireless operator),
       Papendrecht,  Netherlands  honoured    After turning 18, Alf enlisted in the   Flt Sgt Samuel Kirkland (bomb aimer),
       the crew of Lancaster ND913, ‘Popeye’   RAAF  on  6  October  1942,  and  was   and Sgt Arthur Middleton (mid upper
       which had crashed 60 years previous.   posted to No.4 Initial Training School,   gunner). They were later joined by Sgt
       The  Dutch  people  had  an  undying   Victor  Harbor.  He  trained  at  No.1   Herbert Luton (flight engineer). At 19, Alf
       respect for Allied servicemen who gave   Wireless Air Gunners School, Ballarat   was the youngest in the crew.
       their lives, and the townspeople had   and then No.3 Bombing and Gunnery    The crew flew fighter affiliation and
       taken the seven crew into their hearts,   School, West Sale, flying in Oxfords and   cross-country exercises, ending with the
       and had tended the graves ever since   Fairey Battles. He was above average   ‘Bulls Eye’ night exercise. Final training
       the crash.                           in gunnery, and was awarded his Air   was  given  on  Lancasters  at  1678
          The crew came close to surviving the   Gunner badge on 24 June 1943.  Heavy Conversion Unit, Waterbeach,
       war, with only four operations remaining   Alf  was  destined  for  Bomber   Cambridgeshire.
       in their Bomber Command tour. Two    Command,  and  on  30 August  1943,    On  29  March  1944, Alf  and  his
       of the crew were Australian. The pilot,   he  embarked  at  Melbourne,  bound   crew  joined  115  Squadron  at  RAF
       Flying  Officer  Colin  Clarey  was  a   for UK. The usual route was by ship   Witchford, near Ely, Cambridgeshire.
       30-year-old Queenslander, married with   to San Francisco, train to New York,   In preparation for the invasion, Bomber
       three children, while the rear gunner,   and then troopship across the North   Command had switched targets from
       Flight Sergeant Charles Alfred Barlow,   Atlantic  to  Firth  of  Clyde,  Scotland.   Germany to France. The new crew’s
       was from Western Australia.          He  disembarked  on  9  October,  and   first operation was to the Paris area,
          Charles  (Alf)  Barlow  was  born  in   travelled  by  train  to  11  Personnel   and  further  ‘Ops’  included  Wissant,
       Wagin on 17 August 1924. The family   Dispatch Reception Centre, Brighton,   Gris Nez, Courtrai, Boulogne, Aachen
       later  moved  to  Mt  Hawthorn,  Perth,   where RAAF crews stayed at the Grand   and Caen.
       where Alf attended Perth Boys School   or  Metropole  Hotel,  awaiting  further   On 6 June, ‘D’ Day, they bombed
       and  Senior  Technical  College.  He   posting. Alf enjoyed a short leave, with   the  big  guns  near  Lisieux  with  18  x
       excelled at football, cricket, and skating,   a visit to London, Australia House and   500lb bombs. Navigator Ted Line wrote:
       and gained his Junior Certificate. After   the Boomerang Club, and there were   ‘Dawn  had  just  broken  and  it  was  a
       leaving school, he was taken on as a   always  plenty  of  dances  and  cosy   marvellous sight to see the solid stream
       junior machinery  assembler (tractors   English pubs.                    of Lancs, black against the white cloud.
       and  harvesters)  at  Massey  Harris,   It was a short respite for Alf, who   We were the privileged ones because
       Maylands.                            was soon posted to No.84 Operational   ours was the last attack before the boys
          Alf  was  one  of  the  first  to  join   Training  Unit  at  Desborough,   landed. As we approached, we could
       the  Air  Training  Corps,  enrolling   Northamptonshire. There he was given   see the hundreds of boats waiting for us
       with  77  Squadron,  Claremont  on  27   further gunnery training on Wellingtons,   to finish. We bombed, and as we turned
       November 1941. He passed his Stage 1   and crewed up with F/O Colin Clarey   for home, the boats were approaching
       Proficiency, was promoted to Corporal,   (pilot), Sgt Edward Line (navigator), Sgt   the coast. The guns we had bombed

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