Page 46 - May19
P. 46

Feature Story

                      ASSESSMENT         EFFECTS &

         FORCE  EXECUTION          ISR                           DEVELOPMENT  TARGET

                     AIR TASK ORDER      WEAPONEERING
                      DEVELOPMENT        & ALLOCATIONS


       ISR  Division’s  core  to  achieve,  not  how  current  fight  and
       role  is  to  analyse  to  achieve  it,”  FLTLT  subsequent  tasking   1. AUSTRALIAN SPACE
       current and emerging  Baldock said.         and overall distribution
       adversary capabilities   “They can make the  of ISR sensors across     OPERATIONS CENTRE
       and courses-of-action  tactical decision on how  the air campaign.
       in order to inform the  to achieve it, enabling   ”FLTLT  Baldock
       Air Tasking Cycle.    effective air power.“  said the  AOC was
       In  addition,  the  ISR   As the sensor  critical to ensuring air
       Operations team plans  tasking  authority  for  power could have the
       all ISR effects across  DGAIR, ISR Ops works  right effect in the joint
       the air campaign.     with Air Force units and  environment.
       ISR  Operations  HQJOC to ensure our          “We  ensure  air
       Collection  Manager  RAAF ISR sensors are  power  effects  are
       FLTLT Samuel Baldock  effectively tasked. The  effectively  planned
       said the  AOC was  analysis,  correlation  and  executed  in  the
       focused on an effects-  and  f usion  t eam  joint  environment  –   SPECIALIST ADVICE
       based approach.       then  determines  the  particularly  important
       “We  aim  to  task  intelligence  ‘so  what’  for  our  high-demand,   Australian  Space  guidance  on  satellite
       subordinate elements  for the air campaign.  low-quantity  ISR    Operations  Centre  vulnerability  for  the
       with the effect we want   “This  informs  the  assets,” he said.  (AUSSpOC)  provides  whole ADF,  advising
                                                                         space  operational  tactical  units  of  any
                                                                         advice  to  DGAIR,  space-based  risks  to
                                                                         CJOPS  and  the  joint  their  mission,”  CPL
                                                                         warfighter.           Reynolds said.
                                                                            It  works  closely   CPL Reynolds has
                                                                         with coalition  completed  a  number
                                                                         partners and external  of  space  operations
                                                                         Australian  agencies  courses  and  enjoyed
                                                                         such  as  the  Bureau  working  in  the
                                                                         o f  Me te o ro l o g y  interesting AUSSpOC
                                                                         and  Emergency  environment.
                                                                         Manag eme nt            “I  have  really
                                                                         Australia.            enjoyed  working  in
                                                                            NCO  Space  CPL  AUSSpOC, particularly
                                                                         Dane  Reynolds  said  the  confidence  from
                                                                         AUSSpOC  supported  my  supe ri ors  i n
                                                                         all  parts  of  the  Air  my  expertise  and
    2. ISR DIVISION                                                      Tasking  Cycle  with  experience on different
                                                                         special ist sp ace  tasks,  despite  my
                                                                         advice.               rank,”  CPL  Reynolds
                                                                            “W e  provide  said.

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