Page 37 - May19
P. 37

       Cocos runway to be widened as Defence

       looks north

       Defence is moving ahead on plans to   remains  subject  to  government  and   endurance of the Triton would represent
       upgrade  the  Cocos/Keeling  Islands   Parliamentary approval.           a significant step-up in Defence’s ability
       airport  to  support  P8-A  Poseidons,   RAAF  regularly  operated AP-3C   to  conduct  maritime  patrol  missions
       a  move  that  would  allow  the  aircraft   Orion  maritime  patrol  aircraft  from   over virtually the entire Indian Ocean,
       to  patrol  significant  stretches  of  the   Cocos Island, which have a wingspan   which is seeing an increase in Chinese
       northern Indian Ocean.               of 30.8 metres and a maximum weight   naval activity in recent years.
          An industry information session was   of 61,200 kg. The Poseidons, however,   However,  the  Triton’s  significant
       held in Perth outlining the works required   are  significantly  wider  (37.6  metres)   wingspan makes the fuel stored within
       to allow the airport to accommodate the   and heavier (85,820 kg), necessitating   vulnerable to the tropical heat, meaning
       aircraft. This includes runway, taxiway   runway  expansion  and  pavement   operations would likely require a sun
       and  apron  strengthening,  widening,   strengthening.                   shelter in addition to permanent facilities
       airfield ground lighting refurbishment,   A  wider  runway  might  open  the   for  the  launch  and  recovery  crew.
       and ‘various compliance works’ under   possibility of deploying the new MQ-4C   Defence’s response to ADM suggests
       Project 8129.                        Triton unmanned maritime patrol aircraft   this is not planned under Project 8219.
          The $100-$200 million project, noted   to Cocos Island, which have a similar   “The upgrade will not include new
       in  the  2016  Defence  White  Paper,   wingspan to Poseidons. The far greater   buildings or shelters,” a spokesperson
                                                                                said.  “The  length  of  the  runway  will
                                                                                remain at 2,441 metres. The shoulder
                                                                                will increase from 3.5 to 7.5 metres.”
                                                                                   Defence  also  said  that  no  P8-A
                                                                                support personnel would be permanently
                                                                                based at the airport, but did not mention
                                                                                staff  for  other  aircraft  (such  as  the
                                                                                M-55A Peregrine EW planes).
                                                                                   “The  existing  supporting
                                                                                infrastructure at the airport is currently
                                                                                sufficient  to  support  P-8A  Poseidon
                                                                                operations,”  the  spokesperson  said.
                                                                                “There will not be any P-8A Poseidon
                                                                                aircraft  permanently  based  at  Cocos
                                                                                Island, therefore there is no requirement
                                                                                to  base  P-8A  Poseidon  support  staff
                                                                                there permanently.”
                                                                                   The move supports the operational
                                                                                role of the two aircraft, with the Triton
                                                                                acting as loitering surveillance and the
                                                                                P-8A as the response asset.
                                                                                   An improved airstrip on Cocos Island
                                                                                will also allow Australian P-8As (and
                                                                                possibly M-55As) to patrol much closer
                                                                                to  India’s  area  of  interest.  Canberra
                                                                                has been seeking to improve defence
                                                                                relations  with  New  Delhi  through
                                                                                participation  in  multilateral  military
                                                                                exercises  such  as AUSINDEX  and
                                                                                Pitch  Black,  deployments  like  Indo-
                                                                                Pacific  Endeavour,  and  high-level
                                                                                political visits. New Delhi, however, has
                                                                                repeatedly denied Australian requests
                                                                                to participate in Exercise Malabar, which

        A wider runway might open the possibility of deploying the new MQ-4C Triton   it holds alongside the US and Japan, for
        unmanned maritime patrol aircraft to Cocos Island. Northrop Grumman image.  fear of provoking China.
                                                                                Courtesy Australian Defence

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