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       ADF’s largest networked simulation                                       Army and Navy

       system virtually delivered                                               Helicopter Aircrew
                                                                                Training System Achieves
       April; Lockheed Martin Australia signed a   just  job  opportunities  but  the  further
       contract with the Australian government   development of its cutting-edge virtual   The  Australian  Defence  Force’s
       to deliver Australia’s largest, networked   3D training software – Titan – as a core   Helicopter Aircrew  Training  System
       simulation system.                   element of our solution, thus enhancing   for the Army and Navy has declared
         In  partnership  with  Calytrix    local IP and export opportunities.  an initial operational capability (IOC).
       Technologies and NEC Australia, this   Amy  Gowder,  Vice  President  and   Designed  to  replace  Navy’s Airbus
       team  will  work  to  transform  how  the   General  Manager,  Lockheed  Martin   AS350BA  Squirrels  and Army’s  Bell
       Australian  Defence  Force  trains  and   Training and Logistics Solutions based   206B Kiowas with one training system,
       develops future generations of Defence   in Orlando, Florida, said, the Distributed   HATS  is  a  combined  Boeing/Thales
       personnel.                           Mission Training capability integrated   team  offering  15 Airbus  EC135 T2+
         Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin   live,  virtual  and  constructive  entities   helicopters,  new  synthetic  training
       Australia Vince Di Pietro said the team   into one shared training environment,   devices and courseware adopted under
       of partners was providing a uniquely   creating  interoperability  across  all   Project AIR 9000 Phase 7.
       Australian solution for the ADF creating   military platforms.
       up  to  100  jobs  located  in  Canberra,   Minister  for  Defence  Christopher
       Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth.       Pyne  said  the  contract  Defence
         “The  addition  of  5th  generation   had  entered  into  with  Lockheed
       capabilities such as the F-35 and Aegis,   Martin Australia  formed  part  of  the
       means Australia has one of the most   Government’s total investment of $897
       modern defence forces in the world,”   million in ADF simulation capabilities.
       Mr Di Pietro said.                     “The  partnership  with  Lockheed
         “JP9711  will  transform  the ADF’s   Martin Australia will deliver Defence’s
       approach  to  training  and  simulation,   core simulation capability, and result in
       ensuring  the  latest  technologies  are   new simulation technologies integrating
       used  to  best  prepare  our  service   with existing ADF systems” Mr Pyne
       personnel  for  the  complexity  and   said.
       challenges of the future.”             “This important project will provide
         He said  The partnership with      more  simulation-supported  training
       Calytrix  Technologies  and  NEC     events on a broader scale, and ensure
       underpined  Lockheed  Martin’s       that  simulation-enabled  collective
       continued commitment to developing   training  is  conducted  in  secure  and
       and sustaining relationships with highly   realistic environments.”
       innovative high-tech local companies.  Minister for Defence Industry Linda
         “Calytrix  is  a  prime  example  of   Reynolds  said  the  Lockheed  Martin
       our  commitment  to  Australian      Australia consortium required a skilled
       owned  businesses,  delivering  not   workforce, increased by 100 personnel
                                                 for  this  project,  to  deliver  this
                                                 transformative capability.
                                                    “I congratulate the consortium
                                                 for their continued involvement in
                                                 science, technology, engineering
                                                 and maths – STEM – programs,”
                                                 she said.
                                                    “We want our soldiers, sailors
                                                 and aircrew to be fully prepared
                                                 for any situation they may face
                                                 and simulation is a vital part of
                                                 that  preparation,  and  provides
                                                 training  opportunities  that  are
                                                 not always possible in real-world   An Australian Army OH-58A Kiowa leads a
                                                                                Royal Australian Navy AS-350BA Squirrel
                                                 situations.”                   and its replacement a Eurocopter EC-135
                                                 Lockheed Martin photo          over the skies of Nowra, NSW.
                                                                                Photo LSIS Jayson Tufrey.

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